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A little Bit About Eggwhites

In our Previous Post we went over if you can drink egg whites directly (Which you most certainly can), as well as several people who have been quite successful doing so, 8 time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman, actress Hillary Swank, Etc.

Now we are going to go a little deeper into why you should be drinking nature’s most nutritious prepackaged snack.

Believe it or not, egg whites are one of the best and most absorbable protein sources available today, and more importantly have higher protein content per weight and digestive assimilation than any other whole food this planet has to offer.

A single egg white contains about 3.6g of protein and 16 calories. On top of that they contain all eight Essential Amino Acids, which are often overlooked as the prerequisite to protein synthesis, the process of building new cells. Meaning they are crucial building muscle, having good skin, not to mention overall health. Egg whites are also rich in vitamins including riboflavin, selenium, folate, B12, niacin, betaine and choline. As well as several essential minerals including Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Copper, Zinc and Iron.

Despite these benefits a consumer may ask why they can’t just drink a whey protein powder and take a good multivitamin and receive the exact same benefits; In short the answer is Bioavailability. Liquid egg whites remain 100% bioavailable in the body for around 4-5 hours, whereas in comparison protein powders are only 70-80% bioavailable for 2-3 hours.

This single property provides huge benefits in both weight loss and muscle gain. Because liquid egg protein breaks down and is absorbed fully meaning it keeps your body in an anabolic state longer. Being in an anabolic state protects your muscles from entering a catabolic state where they are “catabolized” (broken down for energy). In essence since your muscles are protected your body turns to burning fat for energy.

Because of this liquid egg whites make a great meal to both start the day as well as right before sleep, as well as between meals or meal replacement given there low calories and expansive absorption period.

Personally I use and have had great results with Egg Whites 24-7 Liquid Egg Whites I like to drink it straight in the morning because it makes me feel like Rocky but I also use it to make some pretty delicious pre and post workout shakes. However not to sell them short they can easily be used in about anything you can come up with ranging from smoothies, omelets, baking, and ice cream.

With 28g of protein, zero fat or cholesterol to a cup, no chemicals or preservatives used easily available in both regular and organic the benefits are hard to eggnore (you didn’t think you were going to get away without at least one egg pun did you? :P)

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